大部分考生都把大把的時間投在了托福閱讀和聽力上,卻忽視了口語這項本應作為重點的東西。為什么呢?因為閱讀和寫作備考過程符合我們從小的習慣呀,符合特色考試呀~然而口語有著長期積累的特征,很多人也就認為怎么準備貌似都不怎么有成效,索性隨緣了。 托福說白了還是考試,只要是考試就一定有規(guī)律可循,評分者一定有欣賞具有一類特征的答案的傾向(也就是我們所說的標準答案) 口語≠英語口才,他們都是一個個明碼標價的題。口語也就是說你說到一個點就給一點的分(也就是我們所說的采分點)先來看看OG的評分標準: Raters listen for the following features in test taker responses: Delivery: How clear was the speech? Good responses are fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns.
Language use: How effectively does the test taker use grammar and vocabulary to convey ideas? Raters determine the test taker’s ability to control both basic and more complex language structures, and use appropriate vocabulary. Topic development: How fully do test takers answer the question and how coherently do they present their ideas? How well did the test taker synthesize and summarize the information in the integrated tasks? Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next are clear and easy to follow. 從以上我們可以得出,口音只是口語評分中的一個參考標準,除此之外,還需要從表達流暢,準確,用詞合理,語言多樣性;完整回答問題、邏輯清晰等方面努力,才能獲得高分。 通常來說,托福口語26~30分的考生基本都具備了以下幾點: 1.語音語調比較標準,很少有發(fā)錯音。 2.偶爾有一些比較高級的句型。 3.整體回答比較連貫,幾乎不會有完全空白的時間。 4.回答聲音洪亮,給人的感覺很自信,且邏輯清晰。